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Le Marine Band 125th Anniversary

Posted on: Thursday 26 August 2021

125 years ago, in 1896, the most famous diatonic harmonica in the world came out of the factories: the Hohner Marine Band.

Widely used by African-American musicians from its inception, it shaped the sound of traditional Blues as played by Sonny Terry.
It will be widely popularized later by artists like Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or John Lennon.

Its manufacture has hardly changed since 1896. Only the design and a few variations appear, expanding the Marine Band range.

The anniversary model takes as closely as possible the characteristics of the first, the Original.
The pear tree base, the ocher varnish, the shape of the covers, the rivets, the engraving… Everything is there.

And to mark the occasion a little more, Hohner produced a gold-plated model in 125 units.
This collector’s instrument, numbered, is placed in a magnificent box with golden relief designs.

To have a model so faithful to the original in the palm of your hand is to have the greatest names in the Blues with you.

We have several Marine Band 125th Anniversary in store. You can also buy them on our website. We are at your disposal on 021 811 28 42 if you need more information.

Live the Music! And see you soon!
Guillain Muniere
Wind instrument manager and repairer